Committee Meetings   Date: 19 June 2023, 2pm, Filesize: 2.5gb


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  • Corporate, Finance, Properties and Tenders Committee 19 June 2023
  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. Integrated Planning and Reporting Program and Budget 2023/24 - Adoption
  • 4. Investments Held as at 31 May 2023
  • 5. Contract Variations - Pyrmont Community Centre Upgrade
  • 6. Contract Variation - Major Services Agreement (IT) for Public Access IT and Facilities and Services
  • 7. Contract Variation - Redfern Community Centre Music Studio
  • 8. Tender - Reject and Negotiate - T-2021-632 - Digital Asset Management System
  • 9. Exemption from Tender, Contract Variation and Revised Project Scope - Woolloomooloo Playground
  • 10. Exemption from Tender and Contract Variation - T-2020-443 - Head Design Consultant - City Recital Hall Upgrade Works
  • 11. Exemption from Tender - IT Licence, Subscription, Maintenance and Support Contracts
  • 12. Tender - T-2022-715 - Sydney Christmas Infrastructure Services 2023-2027
  • 13. Tender - T-2023-992 - Microsoft Enterprise Agreement
  • Business and Economic Development Committee 19 June 2023
  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. Grants and Sponsorship - Business Sector Support and Innovation and Ideas
  • Housing For All Committee 19 June 2023
  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Affordable Housing Program Update - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre) 2013, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre -Stage 2) 2013, Draft City of Sydney Affordable Housing Program 2022 and Draft Affordable Housing Contributions Interim Distribution Plan
  • Cultural and Creative Committee 19 June 2023
  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. Grants and Sponsorship – Cultural Grants
  • 4. Major Events and Festivals Charity Partners - 2023/2024
  • Resilient Communities Committee 19 June 2023
  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. Public Exhibition - City of Sydney Resilience Strategy
  • 4. Grants and Sponsorship - Community Grants and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Collaboration Fund
  • 5. Grants and Sponsorship - Accommodation Grant Program – Annual Performance Review and Lease Renewals 2023 and Grant of Licence to Scarred Trees Ministries
  • Transport, Heritage, Environment and Planning Committee 19 June 2023
  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. Grants and Sponsorship - Environmental Grants
  • 4. Post Exhibition – Urban Forest Strategy, Street Tree Master Plan and Tree Management and Donation Policy
  • 5. Post Exhibition - Electrification of Transport in the City - Strategy and Action Plan
  • 6. Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - 118-130 Epsom Road and 905 South Dowling Street, Zetland - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 Amendment
  • 7. Project Scope - Phillip Street to College Street Cycleway
  • 8. Traffic Treatment - Proposed Closure of Liverpool Street to Traffic at Oxford Street, Darlinghurst
  • 9. Public Exhibition - Access Strategy and Action Plan - Continuing the Vision
  • 10. Fire Safety Reports
  • 11. Approved Variations to Development Standards Reported to the Department of Planning and Environment
  • Previous Meetings

    Date Meeting Type
    25 July 2024 Central Sydney Planning Committee
    24 July 2024 Local Planning Panel
    22 July 2024 Committee Meetings
    3 July 2024 Local Planning Panel
    24 June 2024 Council Meeting
    20 June 2024 Central Sydney Planning Committee