Council Meeting   Date: 21 August 2023, 5pm, Filesize: 988mb


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  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. Minutes by the Lord Mayor
  • 3.1 Vale Mary-Louise McLaws AO
  • 3.2 Strengthening Renters Rights and Limiting Rent Increases
  • 3.3 Sydney Metro West Extension to Zetland
  • 4. Memoranda by the Chief Executive Officer
  • 5. Matters for Tabling
  • 6. Report of the Corporate, Finance, Properties and Tenders Committee
  • 7. Report of the Cultural and Creative Committee
  • 8. Report of the Resilient Communities Committee
  • 9. Report of the Transport, Heritage, Environment and Planning Committee
  • 10. Questions on Notice
  • 11. Supplementary Answers to Previous Questions
  • 12. Notices of Motion
  • 12.1 Local Council Outreach Services for Seasonal Workers
  • 12.2 Sheroes of Our Nation
  • 12.3 Electrification of Homes
  • 12.4 Vale Uncle Terry Denzil
  • 12.5 Vale David Burnie
  • 12.6 Vale Betty Hounslow AM
  • 12.7 Stop Trolley Dumping
  • 12.8 Motion to Local Government NSW Annual Conference - Ending Fossil Fuel Sponsorship in Local Communities
  • 12.9 Motion to Local Government NSW Annual Conference - Encouraging Local Government Super Funds to Support Ethical Investments
  • 12.10 Motion to Local Government NSW Annual Conference - Affordable Housing in Perpetuity
  • 12.11 Ending New Gas Connections in the City of Sydney
  • 12.12 Reinstating Removed or Damaged Women’s Artworks
  • 12.13 Public and Affordable Housing Gains in International Cities
  • 12.14 Community Recognition Statement - Marlon Sevehon - Woolloomooloo Boxing Team
  • 12.15 Motion to Local Government NSW Annual Conference- Support for Drag Story Time Events in Local Government
  • 12.16 Motion to Local Government NSW Annual Conference - Support for Gender Affirmation Leave for Council Workers
  • 12.17 Motion to Local Government NSW Annual Conference - Support for Early Childhood Education in the Local Government Sector
  • 12.18 Motion to Local Government NSW Annual Conference - Ban on Local Government NSW using Race Clubs for Conference Venues
  • 12.19 Condemning the Oxford Street Stabbing
  • Previous Meetings

    Date Meeting Type
    25 July 2024 Central Sydney Planning Committee
    24 July 2024 Local Planning Panel
    22 July 2024 Committee Meetings
    3 July 2024 Local Planning Panel
    24 June 2024 Council Meeting
    20 June 2024 Central Sydney Planning Committee