Committee Meetings   Date: 6 November 2023, 2pm, Filesize: 1.1gb


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  • Corporate, Finance, Properties and Tenders Committee 6 November 2023
  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. City of Sydney 2022/23 Annual Reporting and Public Presentation of the 2022/23 Financial Statements and Audit Reports to Council
  • 4. 2023/24 Quarter 1 Review – Delivery Program 2022-2026
  • 5. Investments Held as at 31 October 2023
  • 6. Sale of Heritage Floor Space - City Owed Property
  • 7. Tender - T-2022-906 - Tree Maintenance and Urban Forest Services
  • 8. Tender - T-2023-1028 - Loftus Street Upgrade
  • Environment Committee 6 November 2023
  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. Grants and Sponsorship - Environmental Grants
  • Housing For All Committee 6 November 2023
  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. Grants and Sponsorship - Amended Grant Application - Affordable and Diverse Housing Fund - RJ Williams Redevelopment, Glebe
  • Resilient Communities and Economy Committee 6 November 2023
  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. Outdoor Alcohol Restrictions
  • 4. Grants and Sponsorship - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Collaboration Fund and Innovation and Ideas Grants
  • 5. Grants and Sponsorship - Accommodation Grant Program - Beehive Industries and Scarred Trees Ministries
  • Cultural and Creative Committee 6 November 2023
  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. Grants and Sponsorship – Cultural Grants
  • Transport, Heritage and Planning Committee 6 November 2023
  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. Post Exhibition - Access Strategy and Action Plan - Continuing the Vision
  • 4. Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - 2, 2A-8 Arundel Street and 6-12 Parramatta Road, Forest Lodge - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 Amendment
  • 5. Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - 85-93 Commonwealth Street, Surry Hills - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 Amendment
  • 6. Local Planning Panel - Appointment of Members
  • 7. Fire Safety Reports
  • Previous Meetings

    Date Meeting Type
    25 July 2024 Central Sydney Planning Committee
    24 July 2024 Local Planning Panel
    22 July 2024 Committee Meetings
    3 July 2024 Local Planning Panel
    24 June 2024 Council Meeting
    20 June 2024 Central Sydney Planning Committee