Committee Meetings   Date: 4 December 2023, 2pm, Filesize: 2gb


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  • Corporate, Finance, Properties and Tenders Committee 4 December 2023
  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. Investments Held as at 30 November 2023
  • 4. Adoption - Corporate Sponsorship Policy
  • 5. Quote - Q-2023-1075 - Management and Acquisition of Contingent Labour
  • 6. Contract Variation - Pyrmont Community Centre Upgrade Contracts
  • 7. Exemption from Tender and Contract Variation - Corporate Risk Management System
  • Environment Committee 4 December 2023
  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. Project Scope - Gunyama Park Stage 2 and George Julius Avenue North
  • Resilient Communities and Economy Committee 4 December 2023
  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. Grants and Sponsorship - Food Support Grants
  • 4. Post Exhibition - Resilience Strategy 2023-2028
  • 5. Memorandum of Understanding - ANZAC Day 2024-2025
  • Transport, Heritage and Planning Committee 4 December 2023
  • 1. Confirmation of Minutes
  • 2. Statement of Ethical Obligations and Disclosures of Interest
  • 3. Post Exhibition - Haymarket and Chinatown Revitalisation Strategy
  • 4. Post Exhibition - Haymarket and Chinatown Public Domain Plan
  • 5. Public Exhibition - Planning Framework - Ultimo Pyrmont – Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012, Ultimo Pyrmont Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan, Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 Amendment and Central Sydney Development Contributions Plan Amendment
  • 6. Public Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Conservation Areas Review - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 Amendment
  • 7. Public Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Sydney Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plan - Policy and Housekeeping Amendments
  • 8. Fire Safety Reports
  • 9. Approved Variations to Development Standards Reported to the Department of Planning and Environment
  • Previous Meetings

    Date Meeting Type
    25 July 2024 Central Sydney Planning Committee
    24 July 2024 Local Planning Panel
    22 July 2024 Committee Meetings
    3 July 2024 Local Planning Panel
    24 June 2024 Council Meeting
    20 June 2024 Central Sydney Planning Committee